How deliverance works best
I see some posts about exorcisms and I want to share what I wrote on a recent post about being delivered.
I haven’t done an exorcism or had one done on me but I’m learning that deliverance happens when you truly repent, meaning, you admit your sins, ask for forgiveness and STOP sinning. And the desire and ability to stop sinning is because your love for God is so big, it’s naturally a result of your transformed heart posture.
If you go back into sinful behaviors, you just give demons an open door to come back and with 7 more powerful demons.
Is it a “formula”? Yes. Repent. Renounce. Replace your behavior with true changed heart and behaviors.
But you must be genuine in your desire for deliverance (desperate) and become sober minded for it to truly work and last. That’s why says you gotta be desperate for change because it does mean a whole change of self.
The biggest change I made was forgiving others to rid my heart of bitterness, anger and pride. I didn’t know this was a sin. I was full of resentment and judgment of others. I was controlling and critical.
I was impatient and gossiped about others. Like Micah Turnbo said in his video with Trevor, gossip is vomit that demons eat and feed off of. If they know you do it, they will want to be around you. You'll give them access to you.
My heart posture had not changed even though I was saved. It’s been only through spending time with God, getting to know Him, truly falling deeply in love and reverence for Him that I naturally desire to not sin. And if I fall because of my humanity, His grace gives me time to organically be convicted by the Holy Spirit, repent and close any doors for demonic possession.
Faith and repentance. That’s what He asks of us. He isn’t a genie. He wants our hearts. He wants relationship with us. He wants us to die of our old ways. Crucifying your flesh and not letting it have any fruit is the way.
Everyday, pray for true and total change of heart and mind. Otherwise I honestly don’t think deliverance works.
But you have to stop opening doors to demons by fornicating, drinking, cussing, not forgiving, masturbating, watching porn, being a glutton and idolizing man more than God.
I love you all and I'm not preaching or condemning you. I'm simply sharing what I had to do.
I had thoughts daily to just stop being a follower of Christ. I was so depressed and anxious that I thought, "demons will leave me alone if I just love the world more. Eff it. I'm just gonna stop following God because this is too scary."
But it's not easier to love the world. Is it hard to stop sinning? Yeah. But only if you look at it as a loss of "good and cool" things. There is nothing cool in gluttony, drugs, poison, idolatry and porn. It's disgusting.
We've just been so programmed and addicted to food, sugar, sex, dopamine, naked bodies that fasting from it feels like a loss. It's not!!!
Losing the peace and love of Jesus is much worse. Rotting in hell for eternity is much worse.
Crucifying your flesh daily. God will help you. "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." - Matthew 19:26
Get in the sun. Walk around. Eat fruit. Drink water. go to a playground. Get a puppy. Serve at church. Listen to worship music and praise God at the top of your lungs! There's so much more to life.
I love you all. Praying for each and every one of you. God bless you sisters and brothers.
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Anabell Ingleton
How deliverance works best
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