Tears Behind The Smile
I am an actor [https://app.spotlight.com/1914-8942-0619] and producer whom funded an award winning short film called 'Heart Of Stone', written and directed by Irene Graziani. Winning the best Student film at the BFF Awards last year. She has also asked me to produce her next film as well.
Since then I have become a judge for the Caribbean Global Awards and done several films as feature and lead, I also have lead parts in others over the next year or so
Several months ago, I reached out to an author by the name Daniel Andrews [AKA Tierz]. He is an urban street singer, whom from an early age has suffered and still suffers from severe mental depression, but has found a way to cope and get through the bad times by using his passion for his music and the help of loved ones and professionals
At some point he decided to write about his experiences and wrote a book of the title of this post, which is on Amazon/kindle
Well, to put a long story short, he wanted help to put his book to screen, so i reached out to him and engaged in talks and built up a strong friendship with him.
So from this i am now, for the first time, the writer, director and producer of the film. Its a powerful story and needs to be watched and heard and to educate people who don't understand the condition and to let people know who do suffer with it, that there is help out there and they don't have to suffer in silence and alone, as well as the families who can be effected by it as well,
Hence, i am trying to raise funds for the film, as I am also the main Producer as well.
The feature film is being written as you read this and the short section has been written, which is also part of the feature film itself.
I'm looking for funds from private, public and commercial areas and any charities that can sponsor or come onboard to help get the initial short section filmed and produced and put through the festivals while the feature is being filmed.
If you can help or assist or even come on board as an executive producer to bring in the necessary funds i would be grateful to hear from you
Financial costs and EP details can be discussed in private communication
Also finally and most important is to get it distributed not nationally, but worldwide, as it is a condition, both minor and major that effects people in the world. So if any member can assist in this area, then please by all means contact me direct.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this very important post.
Stephen Banks
Stephen Banks
Tears Behind The Smile
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