Incredible SEO Stats To Blow Your Mind
70% of small businesses ditch their website in the first year, often because of low traffic.
67% of website traffic comes from organic search.
Websites with a consistent, well implemented SEO strategy see 14.6% increase in traffic MoM
Improved website visibility can lead to a 67% increase in qualified leads
60% of mobile searches result in a local business visit within 24 hours.
94.74% of search terms / keywords receive less than 10 monthly searches (yep)
Google has 8.7BN searches a day
7.4% of searches are NEW every day.
According Moz, each £1 you spend on SEO gives an ROI of 22X
Organic traffic converts 2 -5 X better than paid traffic
Consistent, high-quality content increases site traffic by 434% + lead generation by 67%
Bots only crawl about 20% of your site each time they visit your site
What's the most surprising/incredible stat for you to get your head round listed above?
John JB Russell
Incredible SEO Stats To Blow Your Mind
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