Seeking Aspiring Authors (female)
We have a book project. Become an author with ease!
** Want to know more? I'll Send you a link**
Taboo: Stories That Can't Be Told
Stories that have been silenced: all the things you are never allowed to talk about. The things that never should have been and all the things we all try to sweep under the run.
Taboo Topics: (Just a few ideas)
  • Sex: Sexual Pleasure, Sexual Trauma, Menstruation
  • Disabilities: Mental health/ Chronic illness /neurodiversity
  • Divorce/Domestic Violence/ emotional abuse
  • Birth/parenting Choices: Motherhood/ Adoption/ infertility /miscarriage/ abortion/
  • Money
  • Work & Parenting as women
  • Reliance upon ancestral tradition and wisdom
  • AGING: Older women feeling canceled by society
  • Death & Dying End of Life
  • Chapter drafting & workshopping: Summer 2024
  • Editing: August
  • Formatting: September
  • PublishingPrep: October
  • Launch DAY: November 
  • a good holiday gift 
Full Writing, Editing and Marketing Support
What is a Collaborative Author Book?
A collection of women sharing stories on a common topic or theme.
Benefits of a Collaborative Author Book project:
  • Writing Made Easy
  • Minimal time investment
  • Done-for-you publishing  
  • Published in record time
  • Expert positioning to reach ideal clients & support people: Be seen as an Authority (propel business) 
  • Collective book marketing: Massive lead gen … (other people’s networks)
  • Accelerated personal & professional growth: Confidence to tell your story, & share your wisdom
  • Support of experienced experts in the field  
  • & a cohort of amazing women!!!  
Want to learn more? I'll send you a link.
Sierra Melcher
Seeking Aspiring Authors (female)
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