Welcome to the community!
Hey stranger,
I'm super excited you've found your way to our community. If you're here, it's probably because you work, want to work, or are interested in venture capital. If so, you're in the right place!
What's in Store for You?
  1. Real discussions: We're gonna dig into everything—trends, deal sourcing, and all the nitty-gritty stuff you don't learn in business school.
  2. Career boost: We're the team behind venturecapitalcareers.com, the leading job board for the venture capital industry. Think of this community as your cheat sheet for interviews, resumes, and everything else VC career related.
  3. New friends: Seriously, this is the place to meet people who get you. Potential mentors, new collaborators, or just some cool people to chat with.
The Ground Rules
I want to keep this space awesome for everyone:
  • Be cool to each other. No one likes a know-it-all or a troll.
  • Stick to the VC-related content. We want to keep the community focused.
  • Easy on the self-promotion. We're all here to learn and network, not get spammed.
Ready to Dive In?
  • Build out your profile: A solid profile is your ticket in this community. It makes you look good and helps us get to know you better.
  • Say hi: Introduce yourself in this thread and let us know what you're all about.
  • Join in the discussion: Don't be shy! Comment, post, ask questions—get involved.
We're All Ears
We want this to be your go-to place for all things venture capital. Got suggestions or questions? Shoot them over. Can't wait to get to know each of you and build something really special here.
Abi Tyas Tunggal
Welcome to the community!
Venture Capital Community
Welcome to the official community of venturecapitalcareers.com, the leading job board for the venture capital industry.
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