Let’s Make This Community Work for You!
I'm so excited to have such a passionate group of UX enthusiasts coming together! To make this community the best it can be, I'd love to hear more about what you want to gain from your time here. We touched on this briefly in introductions, but I'd love to hear more about what YOU want from this community.
Share Your Thoughts:
  • Topics of Interest: What specific areas of UX design are you most interested in? (e.g., user research, interaction design, usability testing, UI design)
  • Learning Goals: Are there particular skills or knowledge you’re looking to develop?
  • Content Types: What types of content would you find most valuable? (e.g., articles, tutorials, webinars, case studies)
  • Discussion Themes: Are there any particular themes or issues you'd like us to cover in our discussions?
  • Project Ideas: Would you be interested in collaborative projects? If so, what kind of projects would excite you?
Get Specific!
The more details you provide, the better we can tailor our content and activities to meet your needs. Feel free to share any other ideas or suggestions you have for making this community even better. The only bad idea is the idea not shared.
Thank you for helping us shape the UX Design Lab into a place where everyone can learn, grow, and thrive! Looking forward to your insights and ideas!
Gianna Rosello
Let’s Make This Community Work for You!
UX Design Lab
A vibrant network of passionate UX designers to share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and stay updated on the latest UX trends and best practices.
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