Why most business owners struggle to scale?
If you are an agency owner who's currently been in the game for a while and are stuck below $10k p/m or whatever income target you have, here's the reason why.
The reason why agencies and B2B companies in general struggle to scale, can be boiled down into 3 primary reasons:
Reason 1: Nobody wants what you sell. (this can be divided into two) -
Because it's genuinely a$$ and not useful to the market you're serving,
OR, you have a good solution but it's not positioned in a such a manner that makes it easy for your ideal clients understand the value of what you offer.
Reason 2: You have a good product or service, but no one knows about it. There's not enough attention and traffic being driven to it.
Reason 3: You are unable to convert the attention that you generate into actual qualified leads. Traffic, impressions, views and clicks don't mean $h't until you are able to turn them into monetizable data - such as opt-ins, booked calls. This is why influencers who have +10k in followings, even hundreds of thousands of followers as well, are well, broke.
So, to summarize, it can be an issue with WHAT you're selling and or HOW you're positioning it and selling it, how much attention that offer is getting and how much of that offer is converting into monetizable data such as opt-ins, booked calls.
You need to optimize all three to make the big bucks - if you need help with that, well, feel free to reach out via DMing me here.
Sunil Kumar
Why most business owners struggle to scale?
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