Protect Your Mind
Your mind is the most important asset you need to succeed in business and life. It’s like a tree that can either flourish or wither. You have to pay attention to what you are feeding it; otherwise, it will work against you. You also need to build armor around your mind so poison can’t infiltrate and destroy you from the inside out.
Nobody has to manipulate your business. All your enemies need to do is destroy you from the inside out. This will cause you to sabotage your own success or limit the goals you’re pursuing.
We all have unlimited potential inside of us. It all starts with self-belief. When you believe you will succeed in an endeavor, you’re more likely to take more risks and approach them with confidence. This will automatically increase your chances of success.
Now, you can’t just start to climb the highest mountain. You have to build your way up gradually, like in a video game. You don’t battle the final boss at the beginning of the game. You conquer many smaller challenges before him. This builds your confidence and skills!
If you are constantly around people who are not supportive and helpful, you will fight an uphill battle. That’s why you should create an environment that gives you the highest rate of success. That also means cutting off people who are not serving your goals and prioritizing who and what you are giving your attention to.
Focus is the lethal weapon you need to advance in business. When you are bombarded by negativity and distractions on social media that fry your dopamine receptors, you are fucking yourself up horribly.
So be intentional about what you let into your mind. Design your life and environment with purpose.
Your future depends on it!
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Yusuf Buyukaslan
Protect Your Mind
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