How I worked 5X more as an entrepreneur because I did THIS
Just last month (August), I was able to consistently work 5X more on my business each day.
And as a result of that,
I was able to get 20 calls booked on my calendar (normally it was 4 per month before that)
And as a result,
make more sales and therefore more money.
And in this post,
I’m going to teach you exactly what I did in order to actually achieve that.
To be able to consistently work 5X more on my business each day.
To get more calls/appointments booked.
To make more sales as a result.
What exactly did I do though?
Not just sleep.
I learnt how to fall asleep faster, by killing my overthinking (Which was keeping me up for 2, 3+ hours each night).
That’s how I was able to start working 5X more each day.
Why’s this?
We need to learn the importance of sleep first and what it means to sleep well.
Why is it important to sleep really well as an entrepreneur?
Let’s dive straight into the three reasons now:
REASON 1: Boosted Brain (Higher Energy)
I remember just 6 months ago,
I was badly struggling with my sleep.
It would always take me at least 2, 3 hours+ each night to fall asleep.
And it had been like that for YEARS.
My mind would be racing with thoughts about my business,
thoughts about the plans I had in mind for tomorrow…
I’d always wake up the next morning feeling extremely tired and heavy.
My eyes would take 10 seconds just to open up.
I’d get out of bed slowly,
scroll on my phone for a bit,
then walk over to my computer desk.
I’d try to work but I just physically couldn’t.
My energy was so depleted I couldn’t focus at all for literally more than a few seconds.
I’d then go back onto my phone,
scroll for another couple of hours,
and try to work again.
This time,
I’d end up getting an hour or so of work done,
but of very poor quality.
I’d end up going back to bed that same night,
and my mind would start to race again.
it would be racing about how I didn’t get enough work done that day
How I didn’t live up to my potential.
How I wasn’t going to succeed.
I was trapped in this cycle for AGES.
Where I’d overthink before bed,
then take hours to fall asleep,
then wake up the next morning feeling tired and groggy, low energy
and getting barely any shit done.
Then going back to bed the next night with the same issue.
ever since I’ve been able to FIX this issue.
My brain feels like it’s been boosted massively.
I’m able to wake up sharp each morning,
get straight to work.
And within just a couple of hours,
have most of my high-quality work produced for the day.
The thing is,
when you’re able to sleep really well,
your brain is boosted MASSIVELY.
This is because sleep plays a significant role in memories, creativity, brain function.
And it also clears out beta-amyloid (if you have too much it can cause Alzheimers) toxins throughout the night, allowing your mind to be more clear.
And better sleep in general allows you to recover and restore from the day before.
REASON 2: Better Decisions
Did you know,
That even minor sleep deprivation reduces activity in the prefrontal cortex (decision-making center of our brain)
by 40%!!!
This makes us make way worse decisions.
40% worse decisions.
Imagine the implications that’s gonna have on your business.
Imagine what’s going to happen.
Less work done.
Less calls booked,
less money coming in.
Watch your bank account slowly start trickling down.
You now have to start worrying about the cost of food again,
the cost of your gas.
You can’t go out to those fancy dinners with your loved ones anymore.
And you can’t even shout them either.
now you’re BEGGING them for money!
Do you want that to happen?
Now imagine,
what reducing poor decisions by 40% looks like (by fixing your sleep)
Imagine the amount of money you’d make each month.
40% more
If you’re making $10,000 a month,
that’s another $4000 each month you can make.
You can retire your parents,
with that amount of money each month.
I’m guessing you want that, correct?
REASON 3: No Burnout
When I wasn’t prioritizing my sleep and I was going all-out on my business,
doing the “hustlers grindset” bs.
“Sigma male grindset” bs [**😂**](
I was burning out every week.
When I was working for 12, 14, 16 hours a day on my business,
the amount of burnout I was getting was ridiculous.
I’d end up having days where I’d work really hard,
then the next day,
no motivation.
No drive at all.
Indulging in all the bad habits once again.
Zero work done for a few days.
The thing is,
the aim of the game isn’t to be working really hard then stop for a couple days.
It’s consistency.
It’s showing up even if it’s just 20% a day.
You need to be there each day and do some work.
When you burn out,
you’ll have spurts where you work really really hard,
then end up having spurts where you’re really down, you have no drive or motivation whatsoever.
And you get zero shit done.
Burnout happens when you have prolonged stress from your business that overwhelms your ability to cope with it, leading to exhaustion.
Guess what’s the antidote to burnout?
This is because when you’re highly stressed (which leads to burnout),
it causes the excessive production of a hormone called Cortisol
which makes you highly alert and stressed.
Good sleep helps to regulate this hormone, making us less stressed.
And good sleep also restores our energy and focus levels, and clears out fatigue.
There you go bro.
That’s how I’m able to work 5X more as an entrepreneur.
And the reason how it leads to that.
It’s ALL because I learnt how to prioritize sleep.
But more specifically:
through eliminating my overthinking about my business,
to fall asleep faster.
To therefore wake up refreshed and energized each morning to therefore work even harder.
Start prioritizing this bro!
Keep crushing it!!
Taylor Overton
How I worked 5X more as an entrepreneur because I did THIS