How I Scaled My Business In Just 28 Days
Last month,
I was able to scale my business from 0 to 4 figs a month.
And guess what else I was able to do last month?
Fall asleep in under 10 minutes each night on AVERAGE.
As a result of that,
I’ve been able to enjoy life more.
Not worry about the price-tag on items when I buy them
Be able to start trying to retire my parents,
Reinvesting back into my business.
The list goes on.
And in this post, I’m going to give you a step-by-step guide on how you can achieve EXACTLY all of that.
being able to fall asleep in under 10 minutes each night
It is incredibly important that I’ve been able to do it.
Think about it right?
Did you know,
that when you are sleep deprived,
(assuming you got less than 6 hours of sleep)
You make 400% more mistakes in critical decision-making situations,
compared to those who get adequate rest.
Think about that!!!
That’s 400% MORE MISTAKES that you’re making.
4X the amount of mistakes you make.
Think about what that’s going to do to your business down the track.
Is your business going to get better as a result of that?
Are you going to even still have a business?
Will it still be up and running?
Will you be still making 2K, 3K, 5K a month now?
Or will you be barely scraping by just 1K a month?
Think about what that’s going to do to your future self.
You won’t even be able to retire your parents.
They’re still going to be SHOUTED at by other people.
SHOUTED at by their boss.
Think about that.
All because you can’t retire them.
Because you’re barely scraping by 1k a month,
because of the poor decisions you make,
because you are SLEEP DEPRIVED.
Now imagine,
you’re able to make 4X less mistakes in critical decisions in your business.
Think about what that’s going to do?
Think about the amount of money you’re going to bring in each month.
10K, 20K, 30K.
It’ll just keep getting higher and higher.
All because you’re able to implement some systems which help you fall asleep faster each night.
Remember this quote from Sam Ovens:
“You don’t have business problems, you have personal problems, and that manifests into your business”
Let’s get straight into it.
SECTION 1: Non-Negotiables
1. No Alcohol, Drugs, Stimulants, Sleeping Pills
No drug, alcohol, stimulant, or sleeping pill,
is good for you for sleep or in the long-term.
Alcohol is like a sleep blocker.
It blocks out all of your REM sleep (the part of your sleep which is crucial for cognition, memory and emotions).
And it causes you to wake up several times throughout the night.
Therefore you feel like SHIT the next morning.
If you’ve drunk before,
do you remember the last hangover you had?
How shit you felt?
Same with drugs.
Any sort of illegal drug (even some legal ones), are going to fuck your sleep up.
And same with stimulants.
And sleeping pills.
But what’s really dangerous is that with sleeping pills,
it makes you start to depend on them.
And guess what?
People who take sleeping pills are 4.6 TIMES more likely to die prematurely than those who don’t.
And long-term use of them is also linked to a 35% increase in cancer.
Do you want that to happen?
To rely on them, then end up dying early?
Not even being able to see your future kids grow up?
To love and cherish them?
You want that to happen don’t you?
So STOP the sleeping pills.
STOP the alcohol.
STOP the drugs.
STOP the stimulants.
You’ll thank me later.
2. No Need For Supplements
I remember when I was a lot younger (I might’ve been about 10 or 11)
I was heavily struggling with my sleep.
It would take me hours and hours to fall asleep each night.
Me and my mum went to the doctors to figure out the problem,
and guess what they did?
They prescribed me MELATONIN.
(Thankfully I only took it for a week or so then stopped)
Melatonin is the hormone that transitions you from being awake into being asleep.
ARTIFICIAL melatonin completely fucks up your natural production of melatonin in your pineal gland.
Stay away from melatonin supplementation.
And also just stay away from general supplements for sleep.
You don’t need them.
If you follow EVERYTHING in this guide you won’t need any supplements at all.
8 months ago I’d be taking:
- Magnesium Threonate
- Apigenin
- Glycine
- Theanine
Yet I was still struggling to fall asleep.
Because I hadn’t actually changed my certain behaviors and done certain things which would allow me to fall asleep.
last month guess what supplements I took for sleep?
And I was falling asleep in under 10 mins each night.
3. No Food 3 Hours Before Bed
I’ve ate right before bed plenty of times,
but a natural pattern I find that occurs…
I’ll eat, go straight to bed all tired.
I’d fall asleep quickly, then half an hour later feel wide awake again and wake up.
And it would take me the WHOLE REST OF THE NIGHT just to fall back asleep.
Our bodies ideally want to be in a semi-fasted state before bed,
not in a digesting state.
Because when our body is digesting food, it’s gonna allocate more resources to digesting that food rather than sleeping.
So have your final meal for the day about 3 hours before bed.
4. No Lights 1 - 2 Hours Before Bed
(most) Artificial lights at night delay your melatonin production,
therefore making it harder for you to fall asleep.
This is especially true with overhead artificial lights since they mimic the sun,
therefore making you more alert.
So stay away from any sort of artificial light before bed.
5. Red Light 3 - 4 Hours Before Bed
Red light is KING to use for artificial light at night.
Why’s that?
It’s because it mimics the same red/orange colours/wavelengths that come from the sunset.
And those indicate to our brain that it’s evening-time, and that night is coming,
which starts producing more melatonin in our pineal gland.
We ideally want more natural melatonin building up so that we can transition from being awake into being asleep faster.
And btw, you don’t need some $10K red light therapy device to do this.
Just go to your devices, turn on the blue light filters on them and put it at the strongest setting.
And put some red light bulbs up around your house.
6. Watching The Sunset
Just like what I said before in the previous non-negotiable:
The sunset emits red/orange colours,
which indicate to our brain to start producing melatonin since it’s evening time.
Plus it’s a nice relaxing practice to do.
View the sunset each evening for 5 - 10 mins or so, you’ll love it.
Now, this section is all to do with your mind racing about your business before bed/at night,
and to fix this.
Your mind racing at night,
with thoughts about your business,
could be anything about it,
it makes you start worrying,
therefore making you stressed
and have a pulse of cortisol at night.
Cortisol is essentially a sleep BLOCKER.
Since it makes you alert and stressed,
making it incredibly difficult to fall asleep
This keeps you stuck in a cycle,
which looks like this:
  • Overthinking about business before bed - Takes hours to fall asleep - Wake up feeling tired - Get less work done - Overthink about business before bed
You can see how it goes now.
Let’s actually get into practices you can do to mitigate this.
1. Worry Journaling
I still remember the first time I tried out this practice (was about 5 months ago)
I had the worst night,
it was about 2 - 3am and I still couldn’t sleep.
My mind was just racing about my business constantly.
I then thought at the time,
“all of this is just stuck in my head”
“is there a way to get this out?”
And so I then searched it up,
until I saw practices people online were doing.
Where they’d be dumping all of their thoughts onto a journal.
I decided to try this myself,
and within 10 minutes,
I was out like a light.
Worry journaling is essentially just journaling out everything on your mind onto a piece of paper/journal.
Regardless of what it is, just journal it out.
It transfers EVERYTHING from your mind onto that piece of paper,
and is by far one of the best practices you can do for it.
2. Planning out the next day the night before
This is also incredibly effective for clearing your mind before bed,
since you’ll find that a lot of the thoughts you get about your biz at night,
are PLANNING thoughts.
Planning for tomorrow.
how do we actually make an effective plan,
that will serve us really well in our business,
yet also completely eliminates our mind from overthinking?
Let’s get into the steps for that now.
STEP 1: Do it right before bed
Make sure that it’s the last thing you do at night.
The last thing you do before going to bed.
This is because,
if you end up planning stuff hours earlier,
you’re going to end up planning more things
and have more ideas of what to do.
Therefore leading you to keep overthinking about your planning.
So that’s why you should do it right before bed.
Even if it takes about half an hour or so to do,
you’re going to be falling asleep in no-time afterwards.
Compare that to the version of you who half-asses it and takes a few minutes to do it.
He is going to end up taking another couple hours to fall asleep because his mind is still continuously planning.
I think you know which one is the right one.
STEP 2: Plan out your habit tracker for the next day
This one is fairly self-explanatory
Just get your habit tracker,
and plan for tomorrow.
Plan what habits you’re going to do tomorrow,
write more boxes if the habit tracker has almost came to an end.
If there’s certain habits you know you can’t do because of X event, then just simply cross them off.
This will also inturn create more consistency overtime,
which will lead to a positive improvement in every single area of your life.
STEP 3: Plan out your daily goals
Now this one is really good,
ever since I’ve started making daily goals for myself,
my progress on not only self-improvement,
but also business
has absolutely SKYROCKETED.
I recommend you pick about 2 - 3 big output daily goals for you to achieve
(example: scripting, recording and editing a YouTube video for your business, or making paid ads for your business ect)
Don’t have more than 3,
since that’s most-likely going to overwhelm you and cause you to not achieve any of them at all.
STEP 4: Plan out how you’re going to achieve them
Break your goals up into much smaller,
actionable steps.
This way you just focus on one thing at a time.
Think about it like this,
if you were building a rocket,
you wouldn’t just focus on building a rocket would you?
You would instead focus on one thing at a time,
focus on let’s say,
buying the materials firsthand to create certain mechanical parts and shit
but then,
you break it up into budgeting to buy it,
then into if you can afford it or not,
then breaking it up into if you can’t afford it, you need to do x and x and if you can, you do x
Break those goals up and it won’t overwhelm you.
And chances are,
if you just focused on the big picture.
And it overwhelmed you.
It’ll make your overthinking at night even WORSE!
You’ll have tons of thoughts like
“Oh I didn’t live up to my potential today, I didn’t do this, I didn’t do that”
which in-turn…
Is going to make you take ages to fall asleep,
which is therefore gonna make you wake up feeling tired,
and then it’s gonna take you a few hours to actually start working,
and then your work is subpar,
and the cycle REPEATS.
See how this cycle goes?
One of the ways you can sorta break out of it (other than mitigating the overthinking)
is to just do this.
To break up those daily goals on your business into much smaller actionable steps that you need to take.
You’ll find that this will help you significantly.
STEP 5: Plan out the exact time increments and time blocks you will use to achieve everything
You NEED to schedule out certain time increments and time-blocks dedicated to your work.
I recommend using Google Calendar for this.
Plan out everything in your day and follow it strictly.
What’s the next one?
3. Double Breathing
Do this with me rn,
Take in a deep breath into the stomach,
then another deep breath into the chest,
then exhale
Use your nose purely for this
This allows you to actually have proper control of your breath allowing you to relax your mind.
Do this in bed or before bed or both, whichever you prefer
And do it for as long as you like.
I’d say about 5 mins for me, that really relaxes and calms me,
but for you it could be a just a few mins, or 10 mins.
Just play around with the timing and see what works!
4. Getting Out Of Bed
If in case you’ve done the three previous practices and you find that your mind still races before bed,
It’s because your brain has subconsciously created the association between you being in bed and you overthinking/worrying about your business,
based off past tons of past experiences you’ve had because of that (and each night you struggle with this problem keeps adding to the past experiences which further create this association)
When you get the thoughts about your business racing in your brain when you go to bed,
just simply leave your bed and do some relaxing activity until you feel tired again.
Relaxing activities (non stimulating) include:
  • Meditation
  • Double Breathing
  • Journaling
  • Worry journaling
  • Gratitude
  • Stretching
  • Reading
  • Talking to family
Do either one of these or multiple till you feel sleepy again,
then go back to bed
This will start to break this association between you being in bed and you overthinking,
and it will start to form the association between you being in bed and sleeping (which is what you want)
Let’s dive into the next section now.
SECTION 3: Temperature
Before we get into any practices we should do,
we need to understand our 24 hour body temperature cycle first.
How does it work?
It starts off 2 hours before we wake up
at our “temperature minimum”
It’s when our core body temperature is at it’s lowest each 24 hours
After that it begins to rise.
When it rises, it leads to us being more alert and energized (making us awake)
It continues to rise until about late-morning/early-afternoon,
It peaks,
then starts to decrease.
Which is exactly the opposite of the increase,
when it decreases, it leads to a decrease in alertness and energy, and makes you more tired and sleepy.
So now we know that a drop in core body temperature is necessary for us to fall asleep,
how do we leverage that?
1. Heat Exposure
What exactly is heat exposure tho?
Heat exposure consists of either having a:
  • Sauna
  • Warm Bath
  • Warm Shower
Either one of these will be highly effective.
It will help you cool down your core body temperature more effectively.
But surely it would increase our body temperature since it’s warm,
When the surface of our skin is exposed to something hot or cold,
our body freaks out and does the opposite.
Which is increasing or decreasing it’s core body temperature.
So heat exposure leads to a decrease in core body temperature afterwards.
How long should you do heat exposure for?
Have a sauna for about 15 - 20 mins
Have a warm bath for about 10 - 20 mins
And have a warm shower for 1 - 3 mins
I’d recommend for you to pick the warm shower since it’s much more time-effective.
And you want to have lots of time to work as an entrepreneur, right?
So use a warm shower for your heat exposure.
2. Sleeping Naked
Sleeping naked is essential for you being able to fall asleep faster.
This is because when you wear clothing,
it constricts a lot of heat, heating you up.
When you wear nothing,
all of that can flow freely and just move around fine.
This leads to more heat being expelled from your body,
leading to a further decrease in core body temperature.
And throughout the night as well which is PERFECT.
What if you can’t sleep naked?
Just simply wear some light 100% cotton boxers/light 100% cotton singlet.
It’s as simple as that.
3. Leaving The Window Open
This is also amazing for allowing your body to cool down effectively throughout the night.
When you leave the window open,
it allows for more air to circulate in and out of the room,
therefore further cooling you down.
4. Fan/AC
If you can’t open up your window at night,
just use a fan (pro-tip, put a bowl of ice infront of it to make it significantly cooler)
or AC.
These will also help to cool you down and increase circulation.
SECTION 4: Caffeine Usage
The fourth and final section.
Caffeine usage can heavily responsible for your overthinking issues and your falling asleep issues,
It really depends on how you use it
If you use caffeine in the right way/to your advantage, it will lead to you having:
  • More energy
  • More motivation and drive to work harder on your business
  • More enjoyment and satisfaction with achievements in life
However, if you use caffeine in the wrong way, it will lead to you:
  • Taking hours to fall asleep
  • Having fragmented sleep quality
  • More stress/anxiety
Let’s get straight into what you need to know about caffeine now…
1. Who Shouldn’t Drink Caffeine
I recommend that:
To anyone who hasn’t fully grown, don’t drink caffeine.
This is because caffeine usage can interfere a bit with your calcium absorption,
potentially stunting your growth a bit.
if you have finished growing,
there’s no reason not to use caffeine.
Let’s dive into the dosages and timings about caffeine.
2. Caffeine Dosage
The safe range for caffeine DOSAGES
is 1 to 3x your bodyweight in caffeine (mg) each day
(example for me: I weigh 70kg, so that’s 70mg to 210mg a day)
This also prevents you being DEPENDENT on it
3. Caffeine Timing
I recommend:
Don’t drink caffeine straight after waking up
(This is because it leads to a significant crash in energy in the afternoon)
drink caffeine 90 - 120 minutes after waking up,
this will prevent you having the afternoon crash
If you are more sensitive to caffeine,
stop consuming it 12 hours before bed.
If you are less sensitive,
stop consuming it 8 hours before bed.
There we go bro.
That is everything you need to be able to:
  • Avoiding certain things which fragment your sleep
  • Eliminate your overthinking before/in bed
  • Decrease your core body temperature
  • Control your caffeine usage
  • To fall asleep in under 10 minutes on average each night.
But, this leads to:
  • You being able to wake up feeling REFRESHED and ENERGIZED each morning
Which therefore leads:
  • To you being more productive, working harder and as a result of THAT:
  • Being able to make SHITTONS more money and being able to further scale your business.
Implement everything and this is gonna change your life bro.
Keep crushing it!!
Taylor Overton
How I Scaled My Business In Just 28 Days