๐Ÿ“ˆ 21.43% Conversion Rate
In my personal community, I got my conversion rate from 3% to 15% to 21%
with one little change. โคต
I deleted shit from the about write-up.
every time I deleted something, it went up.
I've been doing tests for a month now.
This has created a consistent increase.
Try removing something from your about page.
If you're looking for personalized help with your About page,
you might want to join CAPTIVATE CLIENTS.
We help you get more clients, refine your offer, and oh yeah.. give you the software to run your whole business from automations to emails to websites.
P.S. CLIENTS price will be increasing in the future. so get in now to hold this pricing!
Jeffrey Buoncristiano
๐Ÿ“ˆ 21.43% Conversion Rate