Welcome, women that run with wolves!
If you're a woman following a less conventional path and you feel unseen or misunderstood or simply alone, you're in the right place. Welcome! 馃
I'd love to know you, hear your story, your struggles, your aspirations and your biggest fears.
Let's talk about what it's like for us women to navigate this world where women have to be everything it is asked from us - impeccable mothers, wives, professionals - and we rarely have the chance to connect with what we truly desire and feeds our soul, with our authentic dreams, as unconventional as they may appear, dreams which may have little to do with what society requires from us.
Let's talk about what it's like to be childless and single after the age of 40 and how we can find our purpose and thrive in other ways.
Women need women to empower each other, to listen and comfort each other, to step away from judgement or comparison and grow together.
Cannot wait to meet you all!! 馃コ馃コ馃コ
Raluca Nadejde
Welcome, women that run with wolves!
Women who run with the wolves
A group for women 35+ who choose the uncoventional path, whatever that may be: being single, not having children, pursuing a daring dream or career.
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