Cannot wait to hear your story...
I'm in my early 40's and my current life if nothing I would have imagined in my 20's.
When I was young, my supreme desire was to love and be loved, to get married and raise children with the man of my dreams, aka the "ONE" my mother used to tell me would certainly find his way into my life, all I had to do was patiently wait for him.
Two divorces later, it's sensible to assume the "ONE" has somehow got lost on his way into my life😉.
My life now is so different from what I would have imagined in my 20's: I have nothing of what I ever wanted- no husband, no family- and yet I feel more alive and aligned with myself than ever.
I went off the beaten track, let go of all those artificially induced expectations of what life should be like, to create my own path.
I love that saying by Rumi: “As you start to walk on the way, the way appears”.
Sometimes, we can’t even walk, we crawl. Sometimes, we take two steps back and one forward.
It takes a lot of courage to overcome the maddening doubts and ceaseless ruminations, the sleepless nights and crying our hearts out, before we start seeing the path. And it’s so blurry at the beginning, so easy to doubt, so easy to give-up.
We walk into the unknown with fear in each trembling and unsure step, without realizing that the unknown is a place of creation, where everything becomes possible.
Where does this path lead? To our truth, whatever that may be. To our true self, whoever that may be.
My most precious lesson so far is that love is not something we chase, it’s something we surround ourselves with, every single day, by feeling and emanating it as a continuous state of being.
As I was walking my path, I fell in love with life, in all of its splendor, greatness, mystery and contradictions.
I live my life with the intention of creating meaning, joy and purpose. I cherish very single day, as the most precious gift, I am no longer waiting for anyone or anything.
What about you?
Raluca Nadejde
Cannot wait to hear your story...
Women who run with the wolves
A group for women 35+ who choose the uncoventional path, whatever that may be: being single, not having children, pursuing a daring dream or career.
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