As a gut health coach, I help people achieve their health goals in a fraction of the time it takes with traditional medicine.
I do that all day.
It's what I live for.
But, in 25 years of coaching immune-compromised people back to health, I’ve noticed some key differences between clients who heal fast and those who don’t.
So, let’s get into it.
1. Belief in Success
Winning Trait:
My successful clients truly believe they can heal. They hear or read stories of other people reversing the irreversible and hold onto that vision, even when they hit a rough patch. They make it a habit to visualize their vibrant health every day.. to imagine what it would really feel like to exist in the energy of what is wanted, and hold that energy for as long as they can, even 3 minutes. They see it, feel it, and begin to believe it's possible.
Remember, "whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve". -- Napoleon Hill
This isn't saying that your healing is all a mind-game. It's not. Your healing will come if you follow the roadmap that leads there. But believing in your own success enough to grab the feeling of having it right now and marinating in it just a few minutes a day will put you in the zone for speed healing.
Losing Trait:
On the other hand, those who go slow often have doubts. They focus on the obstacles and potential failures rather than the end goal. This negative mindset can make them feel defeated before they even start. They lack the conviction that healing is possible, which hampers their progress, even though there is evidence all around them to the contrary.
Pro Tip:
Collect stories of people who’ve healed from your same symptoms using whatever modality of recovery you are considering. This will bolster your belief that the same result will happen for you too.
You can browse 250 written reviews by symptom name HERE. Or watch a few of the dozens of video testimonials on my Youtube HERE. These are from people using my Tumtree Reboot protocol to activate their body’s innate blueprint for healing.
Begin gathering your own evidence that you are next in line to accomplish what you haven’t experienced in the past and up til now.
2. Consistency
Winning Trait:
Healing isn’t about what you do once in a while; it’s about what you do consistently. My clients who see amazing results are the ones who stick to their healing protocols day in and day out. They understand that small, consistent actions lead to big results. Just like brushing your teeth – you don’t do it once and call it good, right? They stay consistent and see progress.
Losing Trait:
Those who don’t see the transformation they want often lack consistency. They may start off strong but quickly lose momentum. They skip steps, give in to unhealthy temptations, or abandon their routines altogether. Without consistency, their efforts are sporadic and ineffective, preventing real progress.
Pro Tip:
Download, print and fill out your own symptom tracker. I’ve learned that when people see all their gut linked symptoms in front of them in black and white, they realize that there is too much collective pain they’ve been living with, that promises to go away as they stick with the protocol. Each week when you check in with your tracker, update your symptom numbers, and see what an undeserved gift it is that your body has always carried the blueprint for healing itself, you’ll not only a bond of appreciation for it’s innate intelligence, but you’ll feel allied with it and perpetually motivated to keep giving your body what it needs to do more and more of the miraculous each week.
3. A Positive Support System
Winning Trait:
Healing is much easier when you have people cheering you on. My successful clients surround themselves with positivity. They seek out support from family, friends, and even online communities. They understand the value of encouragement and accountability. They find their tribe, lean on them, and let their positive energy lift them up.
Losing Trait:
In contrast, those who struggle often try to go it alone or are surrounded by negativity. They might lack a supportive network or even face criticism and doubt from those around them.
This isolation and negative environment can sap their motivation and make it harder to stay committed to their healing journey.
Pro Tip:
Take every opportunity to reach out to others just a step or two behind you on the path to vibrant health. Offer encouragement or aid where you can. Point newbies who've just joined the community to the helpful resources available in our classroom.
Post your own successes in the Celebrations Category of Posts and receive the praise of your fellow travelers.
We are social creatures after all.
And uplifting others with your praise puts you in resonance with faster healing for your own body. You'll know the truth of what I'm saying by how it feels when you channel gratitude and praise freely to others. It's what we're all designed for!
So there you have it – three key differences between people who get the fastest results, and those who don't.
Which kind of person are you?
Now that you're here, you have everything it takes to win your health goals!
Remember 3 traits:
1 - Believe in your own Success,
2 - Be Consistent
3 - Get around other people who are already doing what you want to accomplish. a
Then you’ll see the transformation you desire faster than you thought was possible.
Life is too short for one long onerous health journey! Let’s bring this journey to a close, so you can get lit up by some other gleaming dream, shall we?
Until next time,
Share your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s keep the good karma flowing!
Healthfully yours,
Jonell Francis, Leaky Gut Girl
Jonell Francis
Freedom from Leaky Gut by following the Complete Roadmap (no missing steps). 🥳
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