Welcome! STEP ONE - Read This
Hi, and welcome to Transformation Within!
The purpose of Transformation Within is to support men over 35 in taking their careers, relationships, and health to the next level.
Here's an unspoken truth: Men need to be in conversation with other men to level up. While talking to women is helpful, and we have a lot to learn from them, there are things we can't or don't want to share with women. And there are things we must hear from other men to take it to heart.
In my work with leaders, it's become clear that many men don't have the friends to have heart-to-heart conversations, so here we are supporting each other through honest conversations, advice, support, tough love, celebration and fun!
馃弳*STEP 1*馃弳
Where can you find what?
  • Community: chat with members, share posts, ask questions and get answers
  • Classroom: all the courses, masterclasses and resources to consume
  • Calendar: weekly community calls for various topics and open Q&A
馃弳*STEP 2*馃弳
To kick things off and maybe make some new friends, please comment below introducing yourself with the following:
  1. Where are you from?
  2. How do you earn a living?
  3. What鈥檚 the goal you want to achieve here?
馃弳*STEP 3*馃弳
Watch the welcome video (pinned in this post) to learn how this community platform works, how to take advantage of it, and your next step. (mandatory step)
Lastly, we鈥檝e some ground rules to ensure that this community is the best in the field of men's work and that everyone feels like this is their second favourite place to hang out (after family).
  1. RULE 1: Confidentiality. All conversations stay in this forum. Never share other people's stories.
  2. RULE 2: Be respectful. Tough love is fine as long as it is expressed compassionately.
  3. RULE 3: No advertising allowed; if you do, you will receive one warning and 2nd time, you're removed.
Fredrik Lyhagen
Welcome! STEP ONE - Read This
Transformation Within
A community of men from 35 years old committed to supporting each other to level up their careers, relationships and health!
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