If you would like to open your chakras it might be helpful to repeat these 7 affirmations every night before bed for one month. Watch as your world changes.
-Root Chakra-
I am safe, grounded and secure in my place in this world.
-Sacral Chakra-
I am creative, passionate and in flow with the universe.
-Solar Plexus Chakra-
I am powerful, confident and my will shapes my reality.
-Heart Chakra-
I give and receive love effortlessly. My heart is pure and open.
-Throat Chakra-
I speak my truth with clarity and the world listens.
-Third Eye Chakra-
I trust my intuition and see beyond the physical world.
-Crown Chakra-
I am connected to the divine and all universal wisdom flows through me.
Have you got any spiritual advice for the community? Please leave your advice in the comments. Many thanks and have a great day! :)