Trading Edge Mastery™️
Private group
47 members
$98 /month
👋 Sal worked as a chef while at university, hating the 9-5 to getting $700k funded as a Forex trader all by the age of 20. Get the framework Sal used to go from being unprofitable for 3 years to making $10k/m in just a year
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💰 Learn the trading strategy Sal uses to make $10k/m consistently
💰 Develop your psychology to have discipline and control your emotions
💰 Learn HOW TO STAY CONSISTENT with trading, so you succeed
💰 Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Sal
🎁 BONUS: Weekly chance to win 1-1 calls with Sal
🎁 BONUS: Get Paired up Dedicated Traders to Learn from and be Accountable to
🚨 Click Join & take the final step to becoming consistently profitable! 👉
Trading Edge Mastery™️
How to become funded, be consistently profitable & travel the world, all through trading.
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