Profitations 1:1 - The enemy in trading is you, not the market
It is very common to see online or in other people losing 10% revenge trading on a random day.
Not every day will be a perfect day for your system to trade. There will be some hard days and easy days to trade. So what is the problem? Your psychology.
When I say the enemy in trading is you, this is what I mean.
Many of you have a good model, that gives consistent profits, but once you have a bad trading day you go on a tilt. You fumble in the face of pressure. We must do better than that. Be detached to the outcomes of your trades and train your mind this way.
賺錢書 1:1 - 交易中的敵人是你,不是市場
在網路上或在身邊的人身上,每天都能看到有人因為過度交易或不想接受損失而一天損失10%以上的倉位。 市場機會天天有但並不是每一天都有適合你策略的交易機會。有時會感覺特別順有時卻會被洗成白痴。那麼問題到底是出在哪?其實就是自己的心態。 這就是為什麼我說交易最大的問題是自己。 大家都可能有一個好的交易模型,能夠帶來持續且穩定的利潤,但一旦遇到了不順的交易日,心態炸裂就會導致失控。壓力一來交易就手忙腳亂。我們必須慢慢優化。對你的交易結果保持穩定,並找到適合自己抒發情緒的方法可能像是直接遠離盤面或打個遊戲看個影片,以這種方式訓練你的心態達成穩定,自然而然就能在交易市場中勝利。
Jeremy Koebel
Profitations 1:1 - The enemy in trading is you, not the market
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