May 8 (edited) in Home 🏡
交易名人:為什麼他可以透過交易在23歲賺到百萬美金?-Donvo (Why donvo can make over 1Million at age 23?)
透過100%的price action從2023年1月147K到10月時達成1M並連續贏了54單
1.堅持不懈: Donvo 在持續三年的時間裡堅持使用同一套交易系統,並且每天在同一時間進行直播。這種堅持不懈的態度對於取得成功至關重要,尤其是在交易這種需要穩定性和耐心的領域。
2.自信心: 儘管面對大額虧損和網路上的負面言論,Donvo 依然保持著自信。他的自信源於對自己交易系統的信任,以及對自身能力的堅定信念。這種自信心能夠幫助他度過困難時期,並且不受外界干擾。
Donvo每次被質疑都會講: 不管現在賠多少賺多少,你們講什麼我都會做一樣的事, 因為我就是重複做這個造就現在的我。
3.紀律性: Donvo 堅持嚴格遵守他的交易計劃,不輕易受到眼前的誘惑影響。即使在虧損了大額資金(190K)之後,他也能夠保持冷靜,不被情緒左右,繼續按照原定的計劃執行。這種紀律性是一個成功交易者必備的品質。
------------------------------------English Version------------------------------------
Donvo is a stream trader on YouTube with over 100,000 followers. Through 100% price action, he traded from $147K in January 2023 to reaching $1 million by October, winning 54 consecutive trades. At the age of 23, he achieved a million-dollar asset, fulfilling the aspirations he set for himself at 19 and experiencing a class transformation.
I started following his live broadcasts when he had just 8,000 followers. After watching at least 100 hours of his live streams, I discovered three aspects worth learning from:
1.Perseverance: Donvo has persisted in using the same trading system for three years, broadcasting at the same time every day. This unwavering dedication is crucial for success, especially in the field of trading, which requires stability and patience.
2.Confidence: Despite facing significant losses and negative comments online, Donvo maintains his confidence. His self-assurance stems from his trust in his trading system and a firm belief in his abilities. This confidence helps him navigate difficult times without being swayed by external influences. Every time Donvo is questioned, he always says: "No matter how much I lose or win right now, I will keep doing the same thing. Because repeating this is what has made me who I am today."
3.Discipline: Donvo strictly adheres to his trading plan and is not easily tempted by immediate opportunities. Even after suffering a substantial loss of $190K, he remains calm and continues to execute his plan as originally intended. This discipline is an essential quality for a successful trader.
In the trading market, every trader possesses their unique entry strategies and mindset; there is a diversity of approaches and perspectives. However, in this era of abundant information flow, learning opportunities abound everywhere. If one can internalize the shortcomings of others, draw inspiration from their strengths, and continuously refine both their skills and mindset, then they are not far from becoming the successful trader they envision.
Sean Da
交易名人:為什麼他可以透過交易在23歲賺到百萬美金?-Donvo (Why donvo can make over 1Million at age 23?)
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