The golfer whose attitude…
“The golfer whose attitude enables him to tap a higher percentage of a relatively modest store of God-given talent can and will beat the one who doesn’t know how to maximize what he has.”
This reminds me of another quote in the sports performance world… “Hard work trumps talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”.
Even if you’re not playing in tournaments, and are your own competition, in order to play your best you have to work hard and hold the attitude that you can and will achieve your goals.
Have you seen this in your own life or in golf?
I want to become a scratch golfer, it’s my golf dream, and I’ve definitely made strides towards achieving thanks to an open mind and working hard on all aspects of my game, including my mental outlook.
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Gary Gonzalez
The golfer whose attitude…
Play the most consistent golf of your life by tapping into a stronger mental game.
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