The 'Master' Cue
If you take my courses or listen to me lecture about the technique of the barbell lifts, you will hear hours of discussion about leverage, moment arms, compression, and muscular extension. It may be very confusing for a lot of you without a basic mechanical understanding.
However, if you are standing when articulating the bar, then every weird little technical adjustment exists only for a single purpose...
To keep the weight (of your body PLUS the barbell) balanced perfectly over the middle of your feet.
For a bunch of you, it will simply be enough to imagine a perfectly vertical line passing from the middle of your foot, through the barbell, into the sky. As you move the bar, keep it in the that line, and your form will be incredible.
This works for squat, press, deadlift, clean and snatch.
Don't get me wrong, all of the other stuff is important, but putting in this context may help it stick better.
Jarrod Schaefer
The 'Master' Cue
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