Getting Started with Strength Training
I commend you for seeking out the most noble of physical goals!
I'm a big believer that the best change you can make to your body through exercise is to make it stronger. It can change your life.
These are things you need to figure out before you get started:
A) What equipment do you have access to? Can you join a gym?
B) How much time do you have to exercise per day? How many days per week?
C) Are you going to train best on your own or with a group of people?
D) What are you worried most about in regards to training?
E) What is your nutrition like? Do you need help?
F) Do you have any specific goals OTHER than general strength you are looking toward? Body composition? Competition?
There are lots of ways we can support you with your strength goals, from program templates, to full courses, to form checks, to bespoke programming, to private virtual form coaching, and everything between, and for us to determine which option is best for you, we need to know where you're at!
Please comment on this post if you are working on getting stronger and we will reach out and help you get started!
Jarrod Schaefer
Getting Started with Strength Training
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