What Do You Need馃挅馃グ馃檵?
Hi Mamas 馃槉,
Happy Monday! I'm posting this message today for a couple of reasons.
#1: I want to hear from you all and find out what you need in this season of life. The whole point of this group (vs. the public Facebook group) is to have a private and safe place to be seen and heard about all aspects of mom life from hormones, sleep, and energy to anxiety, trauma, and parenting, and everything in between.
#2: Lately I've been posting everything from resources, messages, live events, etc., in the Facebook group because it is more interaction and engagement there. And as I say in the Thriving Mama Program and podcast, where your INTENTION and ATTENTION go, your ENERGY flows. So, I'd love to hear from the ladies who want to stay in this group. Give me a "YES" in the comments or feel free to post what you'd like support on.
Thank you for taking the time to respond- I know how busy moms are! I'm always revising processes and your feedback helps. 馃
If this isn't a place you want to interact, I'll keep the focus on the Facebook group and keep this for the The Thriving Mama Program and other program materials.
Stephanie Davis
What Do You Need馃挅馃グ馃檵?
Thrive Mama Tribe
Private Community for Thrive Mama Tribe Members so we can all be confident, energetic, healthy moms that show up for ourselves and our families.
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