Podcast Episode for Moms of Tweens and Teens
The "keep calm and carry on" mentality might actually be harming our kids.
I personally *HATE* that phrase since it invalidates how you feel in the moment.
In the latest episode of The Thriving Mama, I sat down with Jasmyne Chandler, a certified trauma-informed professional life coach and founder of Guided Passages, to dive deep into strategies for helping parents and teens build confidence and motivation.
Just FYI, I LOVED this conversation because she's spot on about how we need to be relating to our kids from tweens to early 20s and she gave SO many nuggets of wisdom.
My 3 Biggest Takeaways Were...
1. It's crucial to separate a child's behavior from their identity and focus on their positive aspects to help them thrive despite their mistakes.
2. Giving respect to children by allowing them to process their emotions and reflect is key before trying to solve their problems or engage in communication.
3. Meaningful rituals and rites of passage are essential to supporting teens through transitions, helping them individuate safely and acknowledge their newfound roles.
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Stephanie Davis
Podcast Episode for Moms of Tweens and Teens
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