Where's #thatdeb?
If you're feeling confused about the next steps once joining The Purpose Collective in Skool, it's not you. It's me.
To get this going I launched it, reached out to people (like you) who I knew would learn and teach well here, collected the information to present, made my list of speakers, and started having calls. With only 1-3 people at each one, due to not having a great system of communication and scheduling in place, I didn't share recordings because they became more very focused discussions. Some health issues and loss in my life, along with the many tasks of responsibility that I know we can all relate to, had me catching my breath rather than leading the charge.
So, what does that all mean for you? It means I need to get back to the plan. We're going to:
  • Dig into getting to know the people that make up this group - goals, challenges, hopes, etc., including a list for everyone to access. If you haven't already, please post a picture and mini bio to introduce yourself.
  • Break down change planning (for that which we are choosing and that which has chosen us)
  • Look at home to use social media in productive and healthy ways for professional and personal growth and connection.
  • Go over strategies for growth, I will share how I grew my YouTube Subscriber count to currently almost 180k.
  • Talk about going from stuck to unstuck and gaining more clarity about purpose and plans.
  • Get a thought/question for the day from me (with NO expectation that you respond to all or even any of them) for you to briefly journal on and/or share a thought, question or vision with the group.
My invitation to you:
  • Let me know if there's something you'd like to see or something you're loving
  • Share your joys and sorrows in a way that will facilitate purpose
  • Keep learning and keep teaching
  • Let me know if the schedule does not work for you, so I can adjust it
  • Engage with one another in a way that feels comfortable and sustainable to you. The Leaderboard does not define your value and is simply a feature of the platform. ;)
  • Let me know if there is a topic you think would be helpful to share with the group.
There are opportunities 1:1 calls with me, which you can reach out about it, but I won't be posting offerings in here, as I don't want others pitching here.
You're awesome. I love you!!
Deborah Harrison
Where's #thatdeb?
The Purpose Collective
The community for clarity, unstuckness and connection with a big dose of kindness.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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