x100 multiple - 5-min eval?
@Michael Pansolini first I want to thank you and @Ryan Narus so far for the course! So I was listening to the 5-minute evaluator module and it seems like you took the x100 number on the market rents not on the actual rents. I thought it was on what the park is renting for right now then x100 to get the price per pad and see if it’s close to the asking price. Unless I heard it incorrectly it sounded like you said figure out where the market lot rent should be at and then x100 multiply and if the asking price is lower then that could be a deal. Is If I am super confused. Do we use the x100 multiple on the actual lot rent or the pro forma market lot rent to see if we are within the asking price range to then make an offer? I apologize for my discrepancy and hopefully you understand where I am misunderstanding and you can explain. Thank you🙏🏼
Lu Nina
x100 multiple - 5-min eval?
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