What seller-finance terms makes this 20-lot park a great deal?
Hi Ryan and any investor who might have insight.
I’ve got a lady who wants to sell me her 20 lot park. Ryan I’ve shared this with you before— and you said it’s worth shooting for $60k/lot, even though she wants $1.6M (which is way too much in my opinion)
I’m meeting her next week. She’s open to seller finance. She asked me to put together a proposal of what seller finance terms would look like -- including what benefits are in it for her to seller finance. Be great to get advice on what a win-win scenario would look like for both myself and owner. I need to be cashflow positive out the gate to take on this project. (I’d be managing remotely from California)
20 lot park (30 min south of Dallas)
19/20 lots occupancy
100% TOH
$425 actual vs $600 market
Median home $350k
Market - higher than avg crime rate
Kate Lee
What seller-finance terms makes this 20-lot park a great deal?
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