Mar 28 (edited) in ANNOUNCEMENTS!
The Mens Collection community
In this community, every member has free will to share their thoughts and opinions.
  1. PROMOTIONS are not allowed and will result in a ban.
  2. Beginners and people who are too shy to share, please explore the community as you are just as welcome as anyone else.
  3. Hygiene, fitness, and motivational posts will be posted in a daily cycle with the posts ramping up more and more with each amount of members.
  4. Everybody here has an equal chance to win prizes and one on one calls at the end of each month.
  5. Gain value and level up by being an active member of this community. This means posting content of value(not just some small bs) and commenting and liking other posts.
Interact with posts, activities, and other people to gain higher levels and Enjoy!!
Micah Louis
The Mens Collection community
Our goal is to invest in the future of men, giving them the tools they need to become more complex and dedicated to themselves.
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