Reminders from the Universe
Signs that everything is as it should be. I often see number patterns and angel numbers. While I have my beleif in what the energy of the different numbers is saying to me (the message), it is abundantly clear that I have been missing out on building my evidence bank.
What is an evidence bank? 🏦
This is a term I often use when working with clients who are tranforming their beliefs. When we adopt new beliefs we often need to “practice” them intentionally (constant spaced repetition) and look for the evidence to support them.
Since numbers are already in my awareness as messages..I am going to leverage them to look for evidence, that I am always supported AND my desires are supported. Then intentionally adding to my “evidence bank”, allowing space to be grateful and therefore tuning my energy to “Yes, more please” and increasing my attraction(magnetic pull) to the desire!
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Joni Francisco
Reminders from the Universe
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