You Won't Change Without Change
Are you getting what you want? Or to put more constructively, are you attracting what you want to attract? Chances are ,unless you're driving your Lambo around your penthouse, you're not. I'm here to tell you that it is entirely your fault, no one else's and it's your responsibility to change that.
But what do you have to change? You!
To attract different things, you have to be different. To attract better things, you have to be better. To change what you attract, you have to change yourself.
Mould yourself into the perfect man to attract the specific thing you're looking for. For example, if you want to attract more investors, you have to becoming more investable: improve your professional image, show more success, increase your confidence and have better communication skills. If you want to attract an beautiful, innocent girl to marry, you've got to earn more money, improve your appearance, becoming more confident, earn a greater status and be the husband material SHE looks for.
It's all about what they want in you, even though you're trying to attract them. If you don't change, someone else who is changing (or already at that point) will take it from you. So what are you going to do: be better and become the best version of yourself possible, inline with what you're trying to attract, or stay the same old unsuccessful guy?
Choice is yours, and the easy route doesn't have the sunniest destination.
If you don't change, your outcomes won't change, so start now and never stop!
Ben Criddle
You Won't Change Without Change
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