Answering The Call! Why we need to actively do it.
Good morning Men. We begin another cycle of The Unshakable Man Program this week. Every time we begin this process, I am reminded why we must create a ritual to do this actively.
Here are the lessons for this week. (Link to the program)
These activities will help your realine your energy and awareness on what is most important to you and prepare you to do the shadow work required to grow in the later stages of the program.
Why? Why do we need to do this?
This week we are actively committing to showing up in our lives and relationships in a more empowering way. That's what it means to answer the call. This is an active process. This is something you must choose to do.
In the constant flow of our life, it's easy to go into autopilot. This is an adaptive and natural part of how our brains and bodies work. We go unconscious. We drift. We disassociate. We seek to escape. The brain wants to save energy. "It has been estimated that out of every million parts of information received and processed by our body, we humans only admit thirteen parts into our conscious awareness. That means we only allow ourselves to be conscious of .000013% of the data, of experience, known to our body." - The Awakening Body.
The fact that this happens is not a problem. I want you to recognize that it happens so you can survive. When we become aware that it happens, we get to choose to slow down and open to more of our life so we can thrive. When this becomes a ritual or habit, you create the opportunity for growth and transformation to occur in your life.
It's something that takes at least an hour to do. In my experience, I can do it in a flash, but I get a lot more out of it when I combine it with 5-30 min of breathwork and set aside an hour to journal and do a life assessment actively. This process inspired the answering-the-call worksheet and life assessment.
This is challenging, but it does not need to be hard. We make it hard.
We will do the answering-the-call worksheet together on Monday, July 17th, from 8-10 AM PST. Please comment below, and I will share a link to Zoom. This is normally the Monday group time, but we decided to do the activity together and to invite anyone who wants to join us. This will be recorded.
This workshop will include:
  • Getting grounded
  • Actively committing to answering the call for a specific period of time.
  • Reflecting on what answering the call means to you
  • Future pacing: Visualizing aspirations and predicting challenges
  • Taking radical responsibility
  • Listing areas of your life where you've avoided taking responsibility
  • Priming yourself to take on your shadow and gold mission
  • Awakening your inner Unshakable Man
  • Doing a life assessment
  • Choosing your three focus areas
  • Generating ideas to create meaningful embodied stretches that align
Be well on your journey this week!
Christopher Wilson
Answering The Call! Why we need to actively do it.
The Unshakable Man Program
High-Achieving Men: Become an unshakable leader through somatic group work and personalized 1:1 coaching!
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