Good morning everyone. Three weeks ago I started a small group including myself there are 4 of us. I'm 63 from Northern California (N of San Francisco) and have been an out-of-the-box believer in Jesus Christ for 48 years. The others are 23 & 35 yr-old men from Northern California and a 34 yr-old woman from Frankfurt Germany. We have all left the "regular" churches and found each other to be seekers and hungry for Christ centered fellowship. We are now looking at the current state of our reality (at least as far as we can tell). I have touched on the MR of Jesus as shared by you Daniel. In our first meeting I emphasized "question everything" and relying on the Holy Spirit for insight and truth. Please keep us in prayer. Our next get together is tomorrow afternoon. Just bought your e-book "Reason to Believe" Daniel....looking forward to digging in. 💛