“ I remember the morning it showed up on the news. It was everywhere they were saying some new form of virus had broken out and was spreading around the world. A coronavirus they called it. I remember thinking to myself. Is this a joke?? They’ve been running this coronavirus or sun virus thing in movies and television shows since the early 90s. After searching several news stations, I realize they were running this as a full campaign.
It took me less than 10 minutes to figure out that the entire thing was a Psyop. I looked at my wife and I said did you hear this on the news and she said yes do you think it’s real? I said absolutely not but what is real? Is they planning on killing a lot of people and doing something like trying to take over the government.
You might wonder how I knew this? It’s because for 20 years I had been studying the enemies game plan and tactics. There’s only so many ways to try to trick people and they use the same tactics over and over.. in fact they use the same exact words and same exact scenarios they put into movies and TV shows and books and then carry it out in real life. The news is their central hub for controlling people‘s minds.. my wife asked me how do you know for sure ? I said, because I know my enemy! “
Hey guys, just so you are updated. We have a newsletter and micro course program that will elevate your knowledge and protect you from deception. It is our Elderguard program and it will help you be a defender of our faith, family, and way of life they are trying to steal from us. If you know Daniel Colliers teaching you know he’s been compiling this secret information for 24 years now. His entire message is that we were called to take a stand in the evil day.
“Most very religious Christians remain under some forms of control of the dark side. They look at me in disbelief and then I show them proof from one of the courses and they look at me shocked. Whether its patterns used in a show they watch that has images that embed in the subconscious that are anti-christian or proof that they will spend several years in valuable lifetime watching TV. (PROGRAMS) The minions of Satan have devised every means possible to keep Christians imprisoned an unaware they are in one.
My people perish for lack of knowledge, Jesus tells us.” D. Collier
You will get these teachings sent to you in short less than 10 min a day pdf's that you can read at your leisure. Imagine getting information the other side doesn’t want you to know how empowered you will become at protecting everyone you love.
We know the plandemic was just a test run. So we all need to go on the offense now. Trump isn’t going to save us he is too controlled by the Jews (against christ). So its up to us.
Learn on your phone, tablet, computer or if your old school you can just print the page and read it like its 1994 again. You will get Reason to Believe, Millionaire mindset, Eat Play Live, videos and more sent to you in the micro lessons.
Its fast paced Life changing and fun. The newsletter and courses mailed to you will be less than 60 cent a day for the subscription. Plus the money will go to help support the mission we are on. To rid the world of the oppressors running out government. Here is a link to where you can get the newsletter and micro teachings sent to you.