The importance of AMF in coastal dunes.
I recently started studying for my internship, the mutualistic relationship between a coastal Poacea called Calamagostris arenaria, and fungi that belongs to the phylum Glomeromycota. Glomeromycota fungi are obbligated symbiontes (they NEED to establish a mutualistic relationship with Calamagostris in order to thrive) that form inter-radical hyphae in the host ; they are fundamental to enhance the immune system, the absorption capacity, and the stress tollerance of the host in exchange for nutrients. But why are they so important? Because they can't survive in stressed areas (mechanical, chemical, biological stress ecc...) and as a result, they can be excellent bio indicators for coastal restoration! AMF (Arbuscular Michorrizical Fungi) are commonly found in the form of spores, and today I isolated my first samples! Hope you find this little ecology pill interesting, I will share with you the pictures that i took in the lab.
Raffaele Pilia
The importance of AMF in coastal dunes.
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