Your Introduction Checklist ❤️❤️❤️
  1. Your Name: What should we call you?
  2. Your Role as a Parent: Are you a parent of tweens, teens, or both?
  3. How old are your children?
  4. What Brought You Here: What are you looking to learn or improve in your parenting journey?
  5. Your Parenting Win: What’s one thing you’re proud of as a parent?
  6. Fun Fact About You: What’s something unique, funny, or interesting about yourself?
  7. Feel free to add anything else.
Na'sia Smith
Your Introduction Checklist ❤️❤️❤️
The Parent S.P.O.T.
The Parent S.P.O.T., a community of parents dedicated to raising emotionally healthy, healed, and happy tweens and teens.
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