Looking for Guests!
My 100 emotions series was only supposed to be a temporary, one-off series, but it was such a hit, I'll be kicking off the new year with an official launch of the Polish the Mirror Podcast! πŸ€—
Here's the description and it's currently open for guest applications! If this resonates with you, please fill out the form at the link below and I will reach out to you later this month. Thank you all for the overwhelming support I've received so far! I'm deeply moved by this community. 😊
"Step into the world of Polish the Mirror, where we delve into the compelling stories of individuals who confronted adversity, polishing life's mirror to uncover profound insights. Join us as we navigate through tales of resilience, courage, and the invaluable lessons gleaned from life's trials – stories that truly deserve to be shared. Brace yourself for a journey of reflection, inspiration, and the discovery of hidden gems within each narrative, as we explore the depths of the human spirit."
Amy Thurman
Looking for Guests!
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