Call for Speakers!
Hi everyone,
I’m bringing together 30 successful female empire builders, to share your story and one strategy that helped you build your business while still enjoying the good stuff like family, hobbies, and relaxation.
This free online event is for approximately 150,000 driven entrepreneurial women who push themselves way harder than most to achieve results in their business.
They crave more ease and grace, more time and freedom, but they do not want to sacrifice achievement.
Event Name: Business Growth Trends 2024
Event Focus: Quick and easy daily productivity hacks, inspiration, and motivation to gracefully get control back of your business and achieve more while working less.
Promo Dates: Jan 1 – Jan 14,2024
Event Dates: Jan 15 – Jan 29,2024
Pre-Recording dates (for a 15-minute interview) November 1 – Dec 8,2023
If you’re keen to learn more, please click the link to see what’s involved and to submit your application.
Michal McCracken
Call for Speakers!
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