The Winning Traits in Job Candidates
Trevor E S Smith, CEO at Success with People Global, Team & Leadership Coach, presents a scenario to illustrate how different candidate approaches can impact hiring success.
Two highly qualified candidates emerged in the hiring process for the Marketing Manager position at a large regional manufacturing enterprise: Daniel and Stanley. Both had impressive resumes and solid track records, yet the company chose Daniel.
Why was this the case? Let’s break it down.
Stanley: The Traditional Approach.
* Applied for the position and waited to be called for an appointment.
* Focused on his experience and qualifications during the interview.
* Patiently waited for further notification after the interview.
Stanley's approach was safe and reliable, often valued in many roles. However, leadership positions sometimes require a different kind of dynamism.
Daniel: An Unconventional Approach.
* Emphasized his potential future contributions during the interview.
* Proactively reached out to the CEO to offer additional information post-interview.
* Demonstrated boldness and innovative thinking by taking initiative.
Understanding why Daniel was selected offers valuable insights for HR specialists:
1. Look for Potential. Evaluate candidates not only on past achievements but also on their vision for the future and potential contributions.
2. Encourage Proactivity. Consider candidates who take initiative and show continued interest after the interview.
3. Value Boldness. Candidates who demonstrate courage and unconventional thinking can bring new perspectives and innovations to the team.
Let’s Discuss.
Do you agree with the decision to choose Daniel over Stanley? What qualities do you prioritize when selecting between candidates with similar qualifications?
Art Voloshyn
The Winning Traits in Job Candidates
The One Minute HR
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