Jun 18 (edited) in 📋 Case Studies
How Siemens Attracts Top Tech Talents
Siemens, a tech innovator, faced challenges in attracting top tech talent, competing with giants like Google and Amazon. The company needed a strong employer brand.
Steps Taken:
1. Crafting the EVP.
Siemens developed a compelling Employee Value Proposition (EVP): "Create a better tomorrow with us", supported by four pillars: Customer Impact, Technology with Purpose, Empowered People, and Growth Mindset.
2. Building a Dream Team.
A cross-functional team was formed, involving HR, global communications, and engineers. Their insights ensured the message resonated with tech professionals, not just HR experts.
3. Global Adaptation.
The EVP was tailored to different regions, emphasizing relevant pillars to meet local priorities. For instance, German talent values stability and career progression, while Chinese candidates prioritize innovation and social responsibility.
4. Collaboration and Real Insights.
Siemens didn't rely solely on HR experts. They tapped into their internal tech talent, ensuring the message resonated authentically with the tech crowd.
5. Strategic Messaging.
The EB strategy focused on aligning all content with the EVP, ensuring a cohesive message across global markets.
Siemens' strategic employer branding, focusing on collaboration and a strong EVP, has successfully attracted top tech talent, transforming the company into a global talent magnet
The initiative led to increased candidate engagement and a stronger employer brand, positioning Siemens competitively in the tech industry.
P.S. On the topic of EVP, we also recommend reading the 25th episode of The One Minute HR Newsletter.
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El Sin
How Siemens Attracts Top Tech Talents
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