Calls from Parents
I'd love to get everyone's thoughts on a peculiar situation. Over the past week, I've received three calls from parents trying to help their child find a job. At first, I thought it was odd but figured maybe the newer generation is averse to making phone calls. I provided information on how to apply online.
However, after the third call this morning, I started feeling uneasy.
Here are the commonalities:
  • It's always the father calling about job openings for their son or daughter.
  • They mention where their child lives, down to major cross streets, but imply they don't know the area themselves and that their child doesn't live with them.
  • They list very general skills (good with computers, administrative tasks, smart, responsible, etc.).
  • They have a nearly identical spiel about trying to help their child because they've been applying everywhere with no luck.
  • They ask for my last name and email address towards the end of the call (even though applications are done online, making this seem irrelevant).
  • They don’t end the call easily, repeating their spiel if I don't force the conversation to close.
  • All calls came from different numbers, which I've Googled with no results.
Is this weird to anyone else? Am I overthinking this? Has anyone experienced anything similar, or is it just a coincidence?
Siena Kane
Calls from Parents
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