How to design a no-brainer offer 💯
The core of offer design is to convince your public/audience that the value they receive far exceeds the price they pay.
The first step in offer design is understanding your audience. What are their problems, and how can your product or service solve them? By identifying these key pain points, you can position your offer as a direct answer to their needs. For example, if you’re selling a fitness program, highlight how it addresses specific fitness challenges, such as time constraints or motivation issues, and offer a solution that seems personalized to those challenges.
Next, structure the offer to include perceived value—bonuses, discounts, or exclusive features that make the offer irresistible. This could involve limited-time discounts, free consultations, or bundled services that create urgency and drive conversions. The value-add doesn’t have to be costly for you but must feel significant to the buyer. Finally, clarity is essential. Avoid overwhelming customers with too many choices or complex details.
The best offers are simple, easy to understand, and highlight benefits clearly (see below).
We will review more deeply these concepts in the 5th module of the course, stay tuned 👀
Javier Alonso
How to design a no-brainer offer 💯
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