Happy Mom馃巶
Happy Birthday Mom!
Each year, I honor my Mom by writing her a letter to celebrate her birthday. I hope this inspires you to consider ways to honor and remember those you have loved and lost.
Dear Mom,
Happy eighty-seventh Birthday!馃巶 So much has happened this past year, and words cannot truly express how much I miss you and wish you were still here with us.
OK, let's dive into the updates! Sadie turned twenty-one this year鈥攃an you even believe it? That tiny toddler you once held has grown into a beautiful young woman, thriving in school and life. I think we can safely say someone did something right along the way. 馃挄 I know you're up there, looking down with pride, bragging to Gram about your first grandchild. By the way, give Gram a big squeeze for me. 馃
Miss Liz is in her second year of high school and doing great. She's got her driver's permit鈥攜es, a bit spooky.馃懟 It feels like these kids grow up overnight. As for T, she has followed in Liz's footsteps, attending the same high school. According to her Dad, "She is crushing it馃榾." Going through that rigorous application process was no small feat, but we are proud of both of them for making it.
And then there's Nat, my little fashionista馃拑 obsessed with all things girl, cheer, friends, and fashion. She's been keeping us on our toes.
As for the three of us and our respective better halves, we're doing well. That pesky diabetic gene has made its rounds, but don't worry鈥攚e're managing fine. Nat's solution is "To eat as much sugar as possible before I get diabetes." Famous last words from our queen of sugar! 馃嵀.
The Burnside clan is doing well and is busy as bees鈥攏o surprise there. The kids are going in a million different directions, and Miss E will be off to college next year.
The weather will be beautiful on Friday, and knowing how you feel about sunshine, it will be your day all the way around.
I made your famous chicken enchiladas the other day. They are still a crowd pleaser. I could hear your voice saying, "Remember, Kelli, the secret is in the green chilies." I smiled, realizing how often I pass on your wisdom. Whether it's your cooking tips, advice on dealing with tough times, or insistence on always being kind, your lessons continue to shape our family daily.
Last month was tough, and I found myself repeating your mantra: "This too shall pass." It hit me then how much of you lives on in the way we face challenges and celebrate joys. Your strength and positivity guide us, Mom, even when we miss you most.
Happy Birthday!馃巶
Lots of love,
P.S. We'll surely have a slice of your favorite berry pie in your honor. I can almost see you smiling at the thought of it.
Kelli Bradley
Happy Mom馃巶
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