How I write ads now (wish I knew these 3 things sooner)
  1. Prioritise Your Headlines Spend 80% of your effort on crafting strong headlines—they're the first thing people see! Create 10-15 variations with subtle differences and test them all to see what works best.
  2. Focus on Benefits, Not Features Great ads make people feel something. Whether it’s boosting social status (like luxury brands) or playing like Tiger Woods (think TaylorMade Golf), emphasise the benefits, not just the features. Show how your product or service improves their life.
  3. Handle Objections in Your Copy Address common objections upfront in your ad. Include bonuses, guarantees, and other ways to reassure potential customers.
  4. Create Ethical Scarcity and Urgency Use scarcity and urgency to motivate action, but ensure it's done in an ethical way.
  5. Include a Strong Call to Action Make sure your CTA is clear and gives people the next steps they should take.
Neil Kulkarni
How I write ads now (wish I knew these 3 things sooner)
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