Nov '23 (edited) in General discussion
Welcome to The Liberated Brotherhood.
If you have the goal to achieve financial freedom but can't seem to make any significant progress towards it, and you find yourself constantly falling back into your old ways of hours watching porn, tiktok, meaningless youtube videos, video games, watching movie after movie, tv show after tv show.
You're trying to make progress in your business and you'll go a few days without these bad habits but you always end up indulging in all the instant gratification you can get your hands on.
If this sounds like you, you're in the right place.
I was exactly like this for longer than I'd like to admit. April 2022 is when I knew I wanted to achieve financial freedom, and for a bit over a year I was in the constant, vicious cycle of making some progress, doing some work, hitting my workouts for a few days straight then I would get the urge to watch porn which then snowballed into spending my entire day indulging in instant gratification, missing all my gym sessions, and not working on my business at all.
This was until about a month ago when I finally cracked the code. I quit all my addictions, stopped watching porn, stopped spending time on mindless content, and started working all day long, I was hitting all my workouts, doing hours of deep work, meditating every day, ticking off all the habits on my habit tracker, and the BEST PART, I was actually enjoying it.
I can't keep this all a secret, I have to share my knowledge with you because I know there are still so many of you suffering from this vicious cycle. You want to achieve financial freedom but every time you try to make progress, it feels like you're running a marathon with 100kg ankle weights.
To help you, I'm going to be doing FREE coaching calls EVERY DAY, and I will be adding life changing courses for FREE.
The goal I have with this tribe is to unshackle you from all the modern day addictions that are preventing you from achieving financial, time and location freedom, and to start living more meaningful and fulfilling life.
ACTIONABLE STEP: Introduce yourself, I'm very interested and excited to learn more about you so I can help you to the best of my ability.
  1. Your name
  2. Where you're from
  3. Your goals
  4. Your biggest struggle and the reason why you haven't achieved your goals.
Imran Ali
The Liberated Brotherhood
Liberate yourself from modern day addictions and create a future of freedom.
Doing FREE coaching calls every day. Join now.
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