Podcast vs Radio
There is a great difference between Radio and doing a podcast. I wanted to take a moment to describe this as I am working on courses for this that I am dropping in Fall.
Podcasts are a conversation between friends. The atmosphere should be laid back, informative and fun, but very clean and professional. This does depend somewhat on what your podcast is about, but the podcast itself should be very conversational.
Radio on the other hand is more "promotional". Radio tends to be livelier and a shout it to the world kind of atmosphere. Radio Jingles are fun and the melody is meant to stick in your head. Radio is also more rapid paced, quick 10 second lead ins into a sports talk show, or the 4 commercials in a row, then dive back into the music. Radio really does move in waves. It ebbs and flows and again depending on the subject matter it can be smooth jazz or punk rock, but the delivery in radio tends to be "Dynamic".
My advice for any good podcast show is to think of how you can glean from Radio techniques that could level up the quality of your show. Could it be as simple as a decent 10-15 second open? A better microphone? Or even better mic technique?
How do you relate to your guests? Are you warm and welcoming? Do you give them space to speak? Do you deliver the question and allow for the response without saying yeah and uhuh a hundred times while they are talking? It is one thing to lead a conversation as a host and quite the other to constantly interject your opinion into your guests response.
All points to ponder. The bottom line is; producing media of any kind is a craft. With this craft there is an industry for it. This industry creates what we call "Industry Standards". These are necessary when it comes to overall quality, technique and delivery to masses.
However as with any true craftsman, you must studies the tricks of the trade and move beyond them. Hone the skill, the craft, to a level of perfection and uniqueness that moves you beyond "Industry Standard" and into "Timelessness". Food for thought.
William Johnson
Podcast vs Radio
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