Apr 13 (edited) in INTRODUCTION
Welcome. Please read this post before doing anything else.
Watch the onboarding video here:
And then please read through this post.
Navigation via the TABS at the top of the page.
The "Community" tab
is where all conversations and discussions happen.
The "Classroom" tab
is where all the recorded training courses are located. You can access these courses at any time but it is always best to work through them in order. Remember to click on the 'tick' at the top right of each module's screen once you have finished the module so that your progress is tracked and you can keep tabs on where you are up to in the training material.
  1. Be active in the group. We want to help you grow your business and for you to help others so that we can all grow together.
  2. Be kind. You don't have to agree with someone else's opinion and you can share your own, but always be respectful in how to conduct yourself. Rude or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.
  3. Support others. If someone has a question and you have so useful advice or options about it, please join in the conversation.
As part of The Business Growth Project we ask you to commit to the following:
  • Comment on the Monday Morning Post
  • Comment on the Friday Morning Post
  • Be active in the community at least once a month
If you need help with anything you can message Simon Gibbs directly or you can create a post here in the group. When you create your post, you need to select a category to assign it to. Select "Advice Needed" at the bottom of the text area when creating your post. We will attend to your post as soon as we can.
Please write "done" in the comments when you have read through this post. That way I can see who has actually completed their on-boarding. You will need to have your on-boarding complete before being able to book any coaching calls.
Simon Gibbs
Welcome. Please read this post before doing anything else.
The Business Growth Project
The Business Growth Project is a business development, personal development and networking community designed to help you grow your business.
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