Feb 1 (edited) in Discussion
Step 1
Hello and Welcome!
I'm Doug and this is our community. A bit about me:
I'm from Botswana and now live in London. I've been working as a stuntman for 12 years and although it has given me a lot of joy I always felt I was missing something. I wasn't fulfilled and I couldn't shake the feeling. I trained to be a yoga instructor 10 years ago and that sparked something in me. 2 Years later I began meditating, and then I trained in that.
I joined Insight Timer around 3 years ago, and could not get any traction. I was disillusioned after my first 2 years. However, I went back to the drawing board and committed to working out how to make a decent income from that platform. I did. And now I want to share it with you!
So get amped, you are part of a movement here! Here's what to do:
If you are after the free training:
If you are ready to Purchase my signature course:
Douglas Robson
Step 1
The Downward Doug's
Helping Insight Timer Teachers Grow their Audience and Income
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