Welcome to Humanity!
These are troubling, challenging, difficult times, and it often feels as if we are about to crash or swamp or explode or be swept away, or...
And...it doesn't have to be that way, no matter what the external circumstances are. People over the ages have learned and taught us so much about how to find balance in an unbalanced world and those practices, tools and methods are still readily available to us (for real) and they work.
I am a psychiatrist, but not because I love the direction that mental health is taking at all. In fact the industry is fractured and shattered, and is due for a transformation of the narrative globally. That's what I do. As the Undoctor, I un-diagnose people, un-medicate people and the undoctornate people.
So, I am so curious, as I know in my heart of hearts that communication and connection with other humans is at the heart of all healing. What do you do to stay balanced when life throws a curve ball, or causes a hurricane? Your input here is more than welcome and will likely be seen and heard by several others who will benefit from your authentic response.
How will you use SKOOL to forward that conversation?
Looking forward to hearing from you...
Dr. Fred
Fred Moss
Welcome to Humanity!
The BVOY Group
The “Best Version of Yourself”
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