If you've ever tried to build something, it's often the fear of the climb that can hold you back from ever taking a step in the right direction. As a business owner, you are expected to be all things, all the time, to all people and this can be very daunting; to the point where you never do anything new and stick to what you know. 馃椈馃寗
However, I'd like to challenge this belief for you. Instead when you have fear around a situation, I'd like to have you ask yourself the following question; "If I wasn't afraid, what would I do differently?". 馃
It's an incredibly powerful question that I ask myself in times of fear and procrastination. Anytime I start putting off what I need to do or have a massive decision to make in the business, I'm asking myself if FEAR is the only thing that's actually holding me back.
Your FEAR is what holds you back. 馃檭
Your FEAR is what STEALS your Past, Present & Future. 馃珷
Your FEAR is what keeps you from keeping the promises you made to yourself and others. 馃
So while we all experience FEAR, it is in how we handle the FEAR that differentiates us from everyone else. Pretty cool concept to think about, so I hope you're able to use this tool the next time you start feeling the FEAR creeping in. 馃О
You Are More Powerful Than You'll Ever Know.. 馃挭