The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step...
You've all taken the step into joining the community and here marks the step we've taken to partner together to form The Bambo Tree.
We've named it The Bambo Tree, because of the growth of a bamboo tree.
The bamboo tree takes a total of 4.5 years to grow.
The seedling spends 4 years underground, where above ground only a small seedling can be seen among the soil it's buried under.
However, underground all the growth is being done and huge roots extend out not visible above ground.
But, after 4 years it shoots up from a small seedling to a 30m+ tree in less than 6 weeks.
Why have I said this?
Because it resembles how most businesses grow as most of the development and time is put in at the start of the business.
And we are here to guide you and act as the fertilizer for your business growth.
In short - we are going to show you how to get a bunch of clients.